Olá, amigos! Se você precisa do inglês para o trabalho, independentemente da sua profissão, você sabe como é importante ter um vocabulário sólido em Recursos Humanos. Este artigo apresenta uma lista importante de palavras em inglês sobre RH que são essenciais para qualquer profissional lidar com o RH em sua empresa. Descubra agora!
Absence – Falta
n | a time when someone is not at work or at the place they are expected to be:
Her absence from the meeting was noted.
His fellow directors voted in his absence to fire him.
The worst day for workplace absences is Monday.
(Hold) accountable – Responsabilizar
adj | To hold someone accountable means the person is being asked to explain why they did (or didn’t do) something.
You’ll be held accountable if anything bad happens.
Apply – Se inscrever
v | put yourself forward as a candidate for a job.
I’m applying for a new job
Be made redundant – Ser despedido (porque aquela posição foi extinta)
c | to dismiss (a person who is no longer needed) from a job. British
More than 200 of the company’s employees have already been made redundant.
To keep the company alive, half the workforce is being made redundant.
Breach – Quebra (de contrato, acordo, etc)
n | an act of breaking a law, agreement, promise or relationship.
The theatre was in breach of the safety laws for having no fire doors.
Cut – Cortar, reduzir
v | a reduction in the amount or number of something.
The company has tried to cut costs in several areas.
Dismiss – Demitir
v | to remove someone from their job, especially because they have done something wrong:
He has been dismissed from his job for incompetence.
Fire – Demitir
v | to force somebody to leave their job
We had to fire him for dishonesty.
He was responsible for hiring and firing staff.
She got fired from her first job.
Draw up – Elaborar (um contrato, plano, etc, por escrito)
pv | prepare a plan, proposal, agreement, or other document in detail.
they instructed an attorney to draw up a sales agreement
Enrollment – Matrícula, inscrição
n | the act of putting yourself or someone else onto the official list of members of a course, college or university, or group:
Enrolment during the school year is limited to about 40 students.
We are accepting enrolments onto trials for new cancer therapies.
Fill in for someone – Substituir alguém
pv | to do another person’s job for a short period of time because they are not there or are unable to do it
The supervisor can’t fill in for an employee who is on a break.
Framework – Estrutura, processo
n | a set of ideas, rules, or beliefs from which something is developed, or on which decisions are based
This paper provides a framework for future research.
Hire – Contratar
v | employ (someone) for wages.
“he persuaded the owner to hire him as the editor”
Invoice – fatura
(Nota fiscal = tax invoice)
n | a list of goods sent or services provided, with a statement of the sum due for these; a bill.
We reviewed all invoices they authorized for payment.
Launch – Lançamento
n | the official introduction of a new product or system.
Coca-Cola is announcing the launch of a new milk product
Outsource – Terceirizar
v | obtain (goods or a service) from an outside or foreign supplier, especially in place of an internal source.
outsourcing components from other countries
you may choose to outsource this function to another company or do it yourself
Payroll – Folha de salário
n | a list of a company’s employees and the amount of money they are to be paid.
there are just three employees on the payroll
small employers with a payroll of less than $45,000
Position – Ocupação
n | a job
E.g. I’m applying for the HR business partner position.
Staff retention – Retenção de pessoal
n | the ability of an organization to retain its employees
E.g. Our main focus this year is to increase staff retention.
Supplier – Fornecedor
n | a person or organization that provides something needed such as a product or service.
They used to be a leading supplier of military equipment.
Vacancy – Vaga
n | a job that is available in an organization:
We currently have a vacancy for a sales representative.
Wage – Salário
n | a fixed regular payment, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis, made by an employer to an employee, especially to a manual or unskilled worker.
“The workers united to demand higher wages“
Em conclusão, aprimorar seu vocabulário em Recursos Humanos é uma parte essencial do desenvolvimento profissional, especialmente se você está trabalhando em um ambiente corporativo internacional. Esperamos que esta lista de palavras em inglês sobre RH ajude você a se sentir mais confiante em sua comunicação no trabalho.
Se você está procurando aprimorar seu inglês para trabalho, apresentações, ou para finalmente destravar sua conversação, a Blue Pine Inglês Especializado está aqui para ajudá-lo. Nós oferecemos cursos personalizados de inglês para atender às suas necessidades específicas e melhorar sua comunicação no trabalho. Solicite uma avaliação conosco hoje clicando aqui e dê o primeiro passo para melhorar seu inglês profissional com a Blue Pine.
Fale inglês no seu trabalho e esteja pronto para todas as oportunidades
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